The Vigilante’s Bride
by Yvonne Harris
I’ve always said that you can’t really go wrong with a story when the characters start out broken (in someway or another) because we need to read on and know that the characters find healing. Harris does a wonderful job of creating like-able people in unlike-able situations that keep you turning the pages. I read this book in two sittings (a few hours each) because the book was hard to put down, the story hard to leave.
Emily and Luke share more than a common enemy, and what a rotten enemy it is! They share a subtle faith that is never really shouted from the roof tops, but is still woven through the story. I enjoyed the details Harris adds about cattle and the fascinating Crow Indians. All these things helped make the story more rounded and interesting. There is even one scene from the perspective of Bugle, Luke’s spoiled stallion.
I give this story four out of five stars because the title nearly ruins the end of the book. I say `nearly’ because though we know from the title we know the characters will end up together it doesn’t stop you from wanting to know how they end up married. The plot was also somewhat predictable, but this didn’t keep me from enjoying the book.
I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers to review as a part of their Book Reviewer’s program.